Loughborough University are offering an opportunity to take part in a FREE online study to help adults reduce their calorie intake and improve their health. How long will the study take? Being involved in this 13-week study will take up no more than a total of 2 hours: * Online survey at start and end of study: Max. 15 minutes on both occasions. * Provide weight measurement at start, middle and end of the study: Max. 3 minutes on each occasion. * Follow the study’s Twitter/Instagram account: Total of 13 weeks (it will only take about 30 seconds to look at each post). Want to take part?
Please email FOODS@LBORO.AC.UK for more information and to sign up.
Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), some of the personal data which will be collected from you is categorised as “sensitive data”. The processing of this data is necessary for scientific research in accordance with safeguards. This means that study has gone through an ethical committee to ensure that the appropriate safeguards are put in place with respect to the use of your personal data. Personal data will be processed on the public task basis. Individuals’ rights to erasure and data portability do not apply if you are processing on the basis of public task. However, individuals do have a right to object.
Yes. Data collected in this research study will be stored confidentially and anonymously coded where possible, in line with General Data Protection Regulations. The data will be stored on an encrypted computer and only accessed by the researchers and the study supervisor.